Flat White
By the prophet’s beard, it’s the hoejabi!
“The New York Times”, the venerable newspaper of record, the blushing Grey Old Lady, has discovered a new phenomenon –…
No way, Huawei!
John Lord, Huawei’s Australian Chairman recently told the National Press Club that he’d refuse any instruction from Beijing “to hand…
Never mind the cow farts, watch that muesli
It was only going to be a matter of time before the early, nationwide record-breaking chill of June had the…
Australia: bagged by the court of international opinion
Oh, no! We’re a global pariah! Again! It’s on news.com.au, so it has to be true: The whole world is…
Abandoning liberalism is going viral
A movement of people ditching liberalism is taking off. We’re not talking a handful of people, but millions. It all…
Victorian Liberals can’t afford to gamble
Many litigants are like gamblers on the pokies. Having had the satisfaction of winning a small jackpot, they punt, punt…
There was a concerted effort to ruin my life: Yassmin
It was a vast, right-wing conspiracy — a concerted effort — explains Yassmin Abdel-Magied: “I don’t know how to explain how…
Do the Greens go for pre-teen sexts?
It’s now official. The world has gone completely mad and the Greens have so utterly lost the plot politically that…
The rich get richer while the poor get… richer too
One of the striking results of the survey of millennials released by the Centre for Independent Studies last month was…
The Ramsay soap opera continues
While I am disappointed that the men of Ramsay Street, Tony Abbott and his Neighbour, John Howard… sorry, the Ramsay…
Spring is coming?
A recurrent theme in the avidly-watched Games of Thrones is ‘winter is coming’. This has been interpreted to mean various…
Plastic Bags and the nuisance state
The lives of ordinary people have been made worse by the elimination of plastic bags in supermarkets – achieved by…
The Ramsay Centre? It’s still all Tony Abbott’s fault, apparently
I must say, Peter van Onselen is doing nothing for the editorial standards over at The Australian at the moment…
Professional politics: in the name of the people, with contempt for the people
Politicians are building more barriers to repel the views of their voters, and a directionless centre-right is at the forefront.…
It’s official: Australia is not dangerous for women
If you listen to screeching hysteria of extremist exhibitionist feminist activists, you’d think women are in perilous danger every moment…
Caught by the Shorten curlies?
Can you imagine the temperature under Bill Shorten’s collar right now? Positively boiling. His neck is probably generating sufficient heat…
Guess who’s got a poll next year?
Every budget has a theme, whether real or concocted. For the NSW budget tabled last week, the theme is “putting…
Consent? Hell no!
Charles Sturt University in New South Wales has introduced a compulsory, intensive education program for first-year students. Students watch and…
Are we banning single-use condoms too?
I heard it on ABC News Radio so I am sure it is correct. The presenter interviewed Peter Whish-Wilson the…
Discrimination, or just good brain function?
It’s home economics class at the pre-school. Today the children are learning about kitchen utensils. The teacher has almost exhausted…
The ABC needs reforming – and fast
While the government has ruled out the privatisation of the ABC, the almost 2:1 vote in favour of doing so…
Religion, repentance and refugees
Tonight, in the national capital, Brian Douglas, the Rector of St Mark’s Anglican Church at Manuka and the Archdeacon on…
Never interrupt your enemy
Napoleon Bonaparte once observed, ‘never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake’. Politics can be defined as war…
Children, migration and blackmail
Children are an endless source of moral blackmail in causes of the Left. Nowhere is this truer that in migration.…
Catholic schools should trade funds for freedom
A centre-right government and the largest non-government school system in Australia should be natural allies. But you wouldn’t think so,…