Flat White
How’s that dissing the del-cons going?
So we’re now well into year three of the Team Turnbull Labor Lite experiment as Malcolm Turnbull – a big…
That’s a downer, guv’nor
Can social media damn your career when you’re already 66? It might just be so in the case of Alexander…
Turnbull’s time is up
The appalling Liberal Party performance in the five Super Saturday by-elections confirms what has long been obvious. This is that…
The only poll that matters stinks for the Turnbull Libs
The only poll that matters, we’re always told, is the one on election day. So we must regard yesterday’s ballots…
Conservatism in the age of Twitter
As a follow up to my earlier Spectator piece I thought it would be helpful to analyse the state of…
Gladys, do it for the dishlickers
When the New South Wales government backtracked on its plans to introduce a greyhound racing ban, most people were dismayed…
Government marketing a big buck bungle
Another week goes by and we again see state and federal governments squandering our money on embarrassing and harebrained ventures,…
Why our pissant political class can’t do populism properly
For political tragics, the western world has been a marvel over the past five years. A popular groundswell demanding self-determination…
Super Saturday: a tossers’ picnic
When it comes to elections, bookies are perhaps an even better form guide than the plethora of public and private…
The ABC threatens media diversity, not Fairfax/Nine
Yesterday Fairfax Media and Nine Entertainment announced that they will merge, forming a media organisation worth $4.2 billion. The new…
The Gilead crusade?
Reverend Dr Michael Bird of Ridley College, Melbourne, is an accomplished author for The Spectator Australia as well as academically…
Oh my darling Clementine!
It seems to have been finalised rather quickly, but a deal has been struck that merges Nine and Fairfax. There…
Fairfax goes whinging to the grave, entirely lacking self-awareness
Yes, it’s sad. The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age were great newspapers in their day. They did not just…
The last straw
Everyone seems to be banning the plastic non-fantastic these days in the newest example of the environmental theatre that makes the…
No hyphenation please, we’re Australian
Australia definitely benefits from learning from other societies and applying international best practices. But the grass is not always greener…
A Muslim, the alt-right – and Israel
Of course I was anxious about being a Muslim visiting Israel. My passport stated my birthplace as Bangladesh and there…
“Perhaps even more unsettling…”
Barry Humphries gave an interview to this august journal just last week where he had some unkind things to say…
Downer, the Democrats and the Donald
It can be difficult for us Australians at this distance to understand the Democratic Party’s obsession with Donald Trump; especially…
Things go better with God
If I said to you that research suggests Greens voters recycle more than the average Australian, would you be surprised?…
Dear Obama, please sit down and join Clinton
Anyone who thinks the Tony Abbott is the worst recurring nightmare to a new leader should take a look stateside.…
Their really unbiased ABC
Paul Bongiorno writes for Saturday as well as being an ABC Radio National commentator on politics and cultural affairs. Very…
I only buy it to line the budgie cage…
We live in an era where journalism has been traduced by its practitioners to such a degree nothing should surprise…
Plain packaging a graphic study in failure
Twelve years since they were introduced and nearly six years since branding and logos were removed from cigarette packets, we…
Science ain’t all that
Hey, I like science just as much as the next guy. But I recognise that science has its limits. While…
Doing God
It was interesting to learn from Greg Sheridan in The Weekend Australian that there are some religious people in the Parliament.…