Flat White
Memo various Victorian Liberals: don’t offer a solution when you are the problem
Just as Liberal preselection wars are hotting up in NSW, David Crowe reported in Fairfax Media on Thursday that Victoria Liberal Party…
Turnbull’s online shopping tax drives Amazon USA out of Australia
The Turnbull government’s online shopping tax which applies a 10 per cent GST price spike to imports worth less than…
Definition of a nightmare: #MeToo meets free speech
The #MeToo conversation is swiftly sliding from worrying to worse as the sturdy shove for changes to defamation laws gathers…
Pirate Pete’s “fitzocrisy”
Some of the arguments that Peter FitzSimons makes has me thinking that there might just be a “multiverse” after all.…
A Viking, an Aboriginal and a culture bureaucrat walk into a museum…
Rocks dash together And witches collapse, Men go the way to Hel And the heavens are cleft. Thus ran the…
Is Canberra’s strongest sceptic set for the high jump?
The Australian parliament is replete with closet-sceptics of human-caused catastrophic global warming. But Craig Kelly actually speaks out on this…
The Child Support Agency prompts fresh calls for a Royal Commission
Try as they might to stop the almighty juggernaut of public experience catching up with them, the Child Support Agency…
Australia’s madrasases
It was nearly two decades ago that I offered to talk at the Anglican school my daughters attended on the…
Campion College shows we need more champions for the liberal arts
Launching the iPad 2 in March 2011, the Apple co-founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, reflected that “It is in…
Can bumbler Birmingham protect western civilisation in our universities?
It seems that the academic left in Australia, the same New Class left that captured the Australian Labor Party and…
How hipsters can patronise coloured folk in the name of anti-racism
It wasn’t a comedy show, it was documentary. That great journal of repute The Mail Online reports: An Oregon activist…
The lost soul of western civilisation
Well, the wedding of the year has come and gone. The pomp and pageantry is starting to fade. And the…
Hastie wasn’t hasty but right on time
When the Member for Canning, Andrew Hastie, rose last week to warn, under parliamentary privilege, of the encroachment on Australian…
The battle of Kokoda
Editor’s note: After publishing the Charlie Lynn article Losing Kokoda on May 14, we received a letter in response from…
Sally McManus finds her inner capitalist
It would probably be hard-pressed to think of anyone you know who voluntarily paid more taxes than they’re required. And…
An unprecedented attack on faith and freedom defeated
The advancement of religion has been recognised as a charitable purpose in the common law since at least 1601. Australian…
Yassmin confirms she’s a narcissist
There is pretentious, and then there is Yassmin Abdel-Magied. Writing for The Guardian, she proudly escalates narcissism to a whole…
The good girl lie
Society likes to package female sexuality in a conservative and sanitized way. Women are portrayed as demure creatures incapable of…
White flight: it’s real
New South Wales Labor leader Luke Foley does not deserve to be publicly executed for speaking truthfully. The criticism against…
How safe is your house from confiscation?
People regularly talk about things being “as safe as houses” and the great Australian dream of owning your own home…
Block, unblock
A fascinating court decision regarding The Donald and the First Amendment. The Verge reports: It is unconstitutional for public officials, including…
Want to lower power costs? Sell the whole damned lot off
Electricity networks have recently come under fire from the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for allegedly passing on unnecessary costs to…
Young, restless and right-wing
My millennial generation is a strange machine. Some years ago, the New York Times described us as having “a sense…
It’s not just tax and spend but tax and lie
If Scott Morrison and Malcolm Turnbull were corporate CEOs, they’d be done for misleading and deceptive conduct. They claim that…
Senator Sea Patrol’s spectacular
God bless her. Senator Sarah Hanson-Young must still be feeling the effects of the celebrations after she (just) retained the…