Flat White
Jerusalem: always the capital
On Wednesday, Israel will celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut, its national day commemorating the Israeli Declaration of Independence signed in 1948. This…
A sugar tax is “Do Something” Economics 101
Britain’s recent implementation of a sugar tax has reignited the push for an Australian sugar tax, pointing to ‘science’. Often,…
Boundary re-draws have a silver lining for the Coalition, if not the poor PM
In the world of political nerdery, nothing beats electoral redistributions. Who wins, who loses, new primary and two party-preferred margins,…
Assad did it, not Putin
Last week’s chemical attack on dozens of his citizens – including children – has elicited no outrage from President Bashir…
Syria strikes and a Stormy in a DD cup
The weekend’s raids on Syria have been seen by some as a Clintonesque wag the dog exercise. Older factor are…
Peter FitzSimons, the atheist fire-and-brimstone preacher
Don’t you find it interesting that the one guy in the media who was calling down fire and fury on…
2017 Thawley Essay Prize winners
It is with great delight that we announce the winner and the runner-up of the 2017 Spectator Austraia Thawley Essay…
Buy Australian
It’s reported the NT government is to look at breeding donkeys for meat export to China. So we may soon…
Yassmin and Molly: a study in contrasts
The Sydney Morning Herald, January 21, 2004: Australian music guru Ian “Molly” Meldrum has laughed off a visa bungle which…
South Africa deaths reveal the real racists
The critics of plans to offer asylum to white South African farmers are morally bankrupt and stupid to boot. Morally…
Why Australian Muslims must back conservatives (and conservatives back them)
Australian Muslims have a cagey relationship with progressive political parties, it is inevitable then that Aussie Muslims will seek a…
Will the left luvvies ever forgive their Zuck?
I see a Tweet like this and have four instant takeaways: Twitter users skew heavily left. Apart from tweets from…
Turnbull’s Tulla link on the wrong track
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today made up more than 50 years of time wasted by bureaucrats and government in planning…
Imagine if they all stood up and shouted “bang” at once?
There has been much Pacific hand-wringing over suggestions China has been positioning to establish a military presence in Vanuatu. Before…
Australian democracy is alive and kicking
Our two-party system is broken, Australian democracy is in a ‘parlous state’, and the populists are marching on Canberra in…
Populism, prejudice, and what’s left of liberal education
One of the most intellectually disabling of modern prejudices is the idea that you can be free from prejudice. Prejudice…
Sorry Stan, but blaming Hayek for tampergate is a no-ball
Recently Stan Grant wrote to tell us that F.A. Hayek — of all people — not only founded the global…
No, we don’t need to talk about Apu
It was only a matter of time before the fun police came for The Simpsons. The latest victim of the…
“I am ready to challenge”
The time has come where we must speak bluntly. Australia is beset with a series of systemic and chronic public…
Israel Folau vs the amateur theologians
Is Peter van Onselen becoming to The Australian what Emma Alberici is to the ABC, a journalistic liability? It could…
Doing the Right Thing
As calm settles over the cricket ball-tampering crisis and the extraordinary public reaction to it, and as the game’s authorities…
Gender confusion
As a result of left-wing lunacy and the complicity of spineless politicians who are too frightened to resist, every baby…
They’re bruised and bemused, but the base is still staying loyal
Cory Bernardi probably thinks he’s an Australian Ronald Reagan. With an almost messianic approach, he believes he is uniting a…
The Age’s strange but short-lived honesty
For weeks now the “Independent. Always.” Melbourne Age has been recycling Greens Party talking points — sorry, let’s be specific…
There is another…
David Flint is part of the chorus demanding that our Dear Leader do the right thing and resign as Prime…