Flat White
No winners with same-sex hate bill
This week has seen the further eroding of free speech in Australia with the passing of the Marriage Law Survey…
The classical liberal case against same-sex marriage
When one considers the proposed redefinition of marriage, one cannot help but notice the undeniably statist nature of the proposal. The state…
The Prime Minister’s protection racket
The Prime Minister is in a terrible mess. Not because of the photograph cuddling his grandchild and holding a glass…
The ‘rape culture’ of Benjamin Law
There is nothing quite like the mention of ‘rape culture’ to send the Left into a paroxysm of rage. When one of their own commits this transgression…
Marriage equality, father figures and family trees
We can all agree that adoptive parents – including same=sex couples – can be as loving and caring as biological…
Slow clap for Dan Andrews
All hail the vain Pied Piper of Victoria! Daniel Andrews – we will call him Dan – Premier of Victoria…
Food for thought…
“Food, food, glorious food? Nothing quite like it for changing the mood.” Doesn’t that conjure up long Sunday lunches with…
The secular caliphate
There has been a spate of articles lately putting forward the conservative case for same-sex marriage. Even our current Prime Minister, who has been described…
Same-sexually transmitted infection?
It’s increasingly important to take care of your health these days. The likelihood of discovering that you are suffering from…
Not really fit for purpose: the Bureau of Meteorology
He studied chemistry at Imperial College, London, has 10 degrees, including a law degree, and has published more than 100…
Tackling male suicide is not about more funding
Sunday, September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day 2017. This is an annual day to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides.…
Gender dystopia
You know that we’ve reached a new nadir in Australian politics when in a recent interview Rob Sitch, one of…
Turnbull should watch New Zealand and tremble
It may not mean a lot to people on this side of the Tasman (besides Barnaby Joyce and Scott Ludlum),…
Myth and reality and assisted suicide
In the midst of the physician assisted suicide and euthanasia debate in Victoria, there are a variety of myths circulating.…
We really are in trouble when “far-right” is common sense
Let’s strip away labels and go back to basics. Federal National MP George Christensen will propose a motion at the…
Vote yes: why religious tolerance means Christians should tolerate same-sex marriage
If the High Court allows the government’s decision to have a postal vote on the issue of same sex marriage…
The rise of the Middle-Aged Snowflake
We hear a lot these days about the strange fragility of our young people. Apparently, life has dealt them such…
If you don’t know, vote no
From its previous decisions, it is possible, indeed probable that the High Court will stop the same-sex marriage plebiscite on…
Our family law system is a mess
Given the ongoing debate over same-sex marriage, it’s worth asking whether our family law system should cover anyone, gay or…
Brexit’s warning
Brexit didn’t just happen even though the British were increasingly aggrieved at the thousands slipping across from Europe to claim…
Whatever happened to fast food?
Lately, I’ve been asking myself a question: whatever ever happened to fast food? It just seems everywhere I go the…
Same-sex marriage and the “political advocacy” of the AMA
Dr Pansy Lai, a practicing Sydney GP, who appeared on the Australian Christian Lobby’s advertisement for the “no” campaign last…
Euthanasia: definitions matter
The worldwide movement to enshrine legislation to enable certain people to die prematurely either at their own hands, with medical…
You’ve got a right to say “no”
I’ve known that it was more likely than not I might be gay since I first learned the words to…
Indigenous people used as sacrificial lambs
There was a lot of media focus on the video of street violence that Indigenous elders from Wyndham, Roebourne and…