Flat White
Climate change? The future lies in innovation, not the same-old, same-old
The industrial burning of fossil fuels has released CO2 that is purported to be responsible for .7 degrees of planetary…
The ACT votes for spin
Apparently, Canberrans have decisively voted for a light rail. At least this is how various commentators have interpreted last weekend’s ACT election result. But…
Reconciliation: let’s focus on the achievable referendum
Readers of Flat White will have noted John Stone’s preview of a forum held at Parliament House on Wednesday. The purpose of the event was to…
Time to Ged real about the CFMEU
On Monday’s Q&A, ACTU leader Ged Kearney claimed that the Government’s proposed reinstatement of the ABCC was about ‘union breaking’…
Murdoch and Assange: The Donald’s two unlikely Aussie helpers
Like a lot of Australians I’ve been captivated over the last few months by the prospect of a Trump victory. …
At least Abbott stands for something
If Malcolm Turnbull eventually loses his leadership for a second time, his pathetic arse-over-tit performance on gun control this week…
Oh to be Mia
I’ve always looked at people like Mia Freedman and been intrigued by the level of self-importance it must take to…
Constitutional recognition? Tell ’em they’re dreamin’
In Canberra today the Constitutional Education Foundation of Australia will hold a Forum on the constitutional recognition of Aboriginal Australians…
Aren’t you glad you’ve got quality media like the ABC?
ABC boss Michelle Guthrie is in Canberra for Senate estimates today, no doubt being subjected to indignities by hard-right culture…
Bambi’s budget bottom line still dogged by worries
The Baird government recently announced a $4.7 billion budget surplus for 2015-16, more than a billion dollars above the estimate…
Cory Bernardi and the deplorables
Cory Bernardi has endorsed Donald Trump… kind of. Writing on Facebook, Bernardi said: For millions of Americans worried about what…
Bob Day goes – and will the left’s Diverse-O-Meter explode?
Bob Day this morning placed his companies into liquidation and resigned from the Senate. Family First will now chose a…
Kimberley Kitching and The Age of unreason
If you’re lucky enough to live in Melbourne, you may be unlucky enough to occasionally read The Age. While people…
The Greens next target
The Greens are close to tightening their grip on political power in the basket-weaving enclave of inner Melbourne with Olivia…
Why I am and remain a feminist – a response to Trisha Jha
When I was five, my father bought me a “women are not chicks” t-shirt (I wore it on rotation with…
October Revolution: time for democracy in the NSW Liberals
Self-confident democratisation within established political parties turns the tide against weak membership and enhances electoral prospects. These are the lessons…
Tony hearts big government?
A mixture of horror, dismay and disappointment amongst my right-wing Facebook friends greeted Tony Abbott’s UK Diary column in this…
Blue Poles: sell this monument to madness
Jackson Pollock’s Blue Poles must be sold. Not because it’s a bad painting or because it fails the Australian test,…
It’s time for me to face the truth – I am no longer a feminist
This is a big deal for someone who was heavily involved with the Women’s Collective at university and helped to…
Union bully busting: FU to the UFU
Voters in the ACT have a stark choice this weekend: Jeremy Hanson and the Canberra Liberals, or four more years…
Too many causes, not enough care
Compare the pair: This day is call’d the feast of Crispian. He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,…
Free speech: just who is a reasonable person anyway?
What limited protection we have in Australia for free speech, is based on the concept of the ‘reasonable person’. In…
Nailing it with prize tool Waleed Aly
According to Buzzf… I mean News.com.au – sorry, for some reason I often make that mistake lately – The Project…
ACT Election: if Labor won’t stop the rot, taxpayers must
While it hasn’t garnered a lot of attention outside of Canberra, this weekend is the ACT Election and the choice…
Why it (still) has to be Trump
The only important question in the American election is this: who will make the better president, Hillary Clinton or Donald…