George clooney
You can make anything up about the royal family and it will be printed as a matter of fact
Royal gossip is largely invented, says Philip Hensher – but Tina Brown repeats it regardless
My groaning swimming costume – and David Aaronovitch’s
To while away the time at airports, I like to spot celebrities. But pickings have been slim. Where is everyone?…
Are the Coen Brothers taking us for a ride? Hail, Caesar! reviewed
The latest film from the Coen brothers is a comedy set during the ‘golden age’ of Hollywood and in some…
What is a serious film festival doing opening with Hail, Caesar!
What is a serious film festival doing opening with Ethan and Joel Coens’ turkey Hail, Caesar!? James Woodall reports from Berlin
The Heckler: down with the actor-commentariat!
I’ve never been terribly keen on actors. I prefer hairdressers and accountants. And teachers and builders and lawyers. I may…
Bury every copy of Monuments Men in mines across Europe, so George Clooney can try again
You know that old quip ‘I’m not just a pretty face’? I always thought it was meant to be said…