Letters: In private schools, struggling children find the help they need
Growing problem Sir: The first leading article of the year (‘Growing apart’, 4 January) points to the gap in economic…
The Christian case for hunting
When I was a teenager, my closest friend, Henry, would vanish into the Shropshire Hills over the hunting season’s weekends.…
It may be too late to save trail hunting
There’s a grumble, often repeated among country folk, that ‘hunting people got hunting banned’. What they mean (I think) is…
Man’s fraught relationship with nature extends back to prehistory
Archaeology indicates that the first migrations of hunters through Asia into the Americas and Australasia directly contributed to collapses in the Pleistocene megafauna
Botswana’s President: elephant hunting isn’t cruel, it’s necessary
Last month, Botswana’s Minister for Environment and Tourism Dumezweni Mthimkhulu threatened to send 10,000 elephants to Hyde Park. This week,…
Horsing around
Tiffany Francis-Baker explores the many ways in which our countryside has been shaped by the horse over the centuries
Should monuments to past Archbishops of Canterbury come down?
This week, the Church of England issued its document ‘Contested Heritage in Cathedrals and Churches’. It is guidance for what…
Letters: The C of E’s obsession with critical race theory
Christian approach Sir: Dr Michael Nazir-Ali’s criticism of our report ‘From Lament to Action’ (‘Bad faith’, 1 May) was wide…
A vegan’s defence of field sports
The vegan case for field sports
What happens when Facebook pays for news?
The recently departed head of MI6, Sir Alex Younger, wants to balance China’s ideological antagonism to the West with the…
Letters: It’s too late for Boris
Disastrous decisions Sir: In his otherwise excellent analysis of Boris Johnson’s premiership (‘The missing leader’, 19 September), Fraser Nelson suggests…
The mysteries of the Corbyn world-view
It is worth fixing for posterity the feelings which, on polling day, swirled in the breasts of many who wanted…
Labour thinks that its trump card is Trump
On Wednesday morning, I was hoisted into the air of Whitehall on a cherry-picker. A century ago the proto-Cenotaph appeared…
Big two-hearted river: the wines of the Rhône
The Rhône is a strong river. The Loire derives graciousness from its châteaux. The Rhine and the Thames have been…
Playful, adorable – and with a real nose for trouble: In praise of the beagle
Harvey’s finest moment, he would tell you, was the chicken kiev. I’d just made the garlic butter and inserted it…
The Spectator’s notes
Theresa May’s style of negotiating with the European Union is coming spookily to resemble David Cameron’s. She is in the…
Beautiful, wilful, never dull: in praise of Clumber spaniels
For the first time in more than 30 years we have no Clumber spaniel. We have had five: Henry, Judith,…
How do we save the elephant? It’s simple: eat them
Laikipia I sip my Tusker beer on the veranda, staring at the elephant. He’s not the elephant in the…
Don't be fooled by the cosy veneer. It’s carnage in South Northamptonshire
My time as a duck-keeper seems to have come bloodily to an end. I have had ducks on my pond…
The perfect wines to toast the end of the hunting season
A few years ago, a distinguished cove in the diplomatic service was made High Commissioner to Australia. To prepare himself…
The sabs hate us because we’re patriotic, top-rate tax-paying, law-abiding scum
‘You lot are a disgrace! Chasing after defenceless animals on horseback!’ The bearded anti was on his mountain bike on…
Why MPs have a duty to resist online petitions
It is the duty of MPs to resist Twitter storms and online petitions
A six-year-old sharpshooter and a New Zealand white – both bound to improve with age
The Honourable Society of Odd Bottles began proceedings with a report on the activities of our junior branch. These youngsters…
The hunting ban could be gone soon – but the hypocrisy will linger on
With luck, the cruel, hypocritical ban could be gone by winter
Charles Moore’s Notes: Who benefits from Prince Charles shaking Gerry Adams’s hand?
Who benefits from Prince Charles’s handshake with Gerry Adams? Not the victims of IRA violence, including the 18 soldiers who…