Jack Dorsey
@jack is the giant
Where is Jack? You know, Jack-the-Giant-Killer? The little fellow who caught the giant Cormaran in a deadfall and dispatched him…
Praise be to our benevolent Big Tech Overlords
It is done. The Dark Lord has been vanquished. His threatening aura has been purged from Twitter, along with many…
Twitter is in China’s pocket
Twitter has been quick on the draw when responding to tweets by President Trump in the last month, as he…
Facebook is right. Twitter is wrong
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey opened up a Pandora’s box two days ago by dropping a fact-check on a tweet by…
Twitter is manipulating the election
Twitter announced last month it would start flagging content the company and moderators decided was manipulated to deceive their users.…
Is war with Silicon Valley a Trump 2020 strategy?
The world, or at least Twitter, awoke Saturday morning to an extraordinary series of retweets from the site’s most infamous…