Jacob Rees-Mogg
I hope nobody watches Meet the Rees-Moggs
Towards the end of last year, the production company Optomen TV contacted Jacob about the possibility of filming a documentary series…
The Westminster Wag to watch
Surely charity is about helping others, not massaging your own ego? Ed Sheeran’s boycott of Band Aid is yet another example of…
Are the Rees-Moggs ready for their new reality?
I felt slightly anxious for Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg when I read he’d agreed to have a reality show made about…
My future as a reality TV star
Magpies have long been thought to be birds of omen. I am not superstitious. Yet during the election campaign I…
Think pink: there’s no shame in quaffing rosé in England
In the battle of ideas, it is sometimes necessary to make a tactical withdrawal. That is now the case over…
Boris’s plan to divide and conquer
Boris Johnson has never quite been able to decide whether he wants to be a great unifier or a great…
Jacob Rees-Mogg: ‘I am enormously environmentally friendly by driving old Bentleys’
Jacob Rees-Mogg sits at a mahogany table in his office drinking black coffee from a Spode cup. Across from him…
There’s nothing wrong with Jacob Rees-Mogg lying down in the Commons
If you are a journalist covering politics this year, every moment is a bad moment to take a holiday. I…
What would George Orwell make of Brexit?
In the London Review of Books this month, James Meek wrote a long article about Jacob Rees-Mogg and his ‘curious duality’ in…
The royals should embody virtue – not signal it
ONE should not be censorious if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex fly in private jets to their holidays, though…
Is the term ‘Esquire’ U or non-U?
‘I’m a learned doctor,’ cried my husband, pulling at the hems of his tweed coat and doing a little jig.…
My evening with Jacob Rees-Mogg — live at the London Palladium
A woman dressed as a nun is standing outside the London Palladium with a placard, warning about ‘an evening with…
The People’s Vote have one big advantage: their opponents are in disarray
It may seem odd that a cabal of politicians, celebrities and millionaires can successfully present themselves as a great democratic…
Why is it that so many leading Brexiteers studied history?
What do Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Dominic Cummings all have in common? They are Brexiteers, of course. Yet little…
Dear Mary solves problems for Vince Cable, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Lord Archer and Ruth Davidson
From Sir Vince Cable MP Q. I have an unfulfilled ambition to win a national title for ballroom dancing in…
Pregnant silence
Brian Sewell once wrote an article about abortion headlined: ‘Women, the killers in our midst.’ He got an awful lot…
High life
I think this week marks my 40th anniversary as a Spectator columnist, but I’m not 100 per cent certain. All…
Face time
The inimitably pukka voice of Jacob Rees-Mogg echoed through Radio 4 on Thursday morning. He was not, though, talking about…
The phoney Tory leadership war
When a new MP is offered a job as a parliamentary private secretary for a cabinet member, it’s often a…
Let’s keep up the Moggmentum
‘We need to talk about why the internet is falling in love with Jacob Rees-Mogg, because it’s not OK,’ warns…