Joe Biden
The folly of American imperialism
Gstaad Mercedes Benz heir Mick Flick and I have been friends for more than half a century. We both married…
When will Twitter treat Biden like Trump?
With the conclusion of the disastrously-executed Afghanistan withdrawal, the attention of Joe Biden and his loyal media apparatchiks has turned to…
The descent of Afghanistan
The bomb attacks at Kabul airport were what US and allied commanders overseeing the mass evacuation had most feared. In…
Iran is an immediate winner of the Taliban takeover
A staple of observing politics is watching rhetoric curdle into reality. Operation Enduring Freedom, thought up and slapped together in…
Joe Biden must go
Joe Biden is unfit to be President of the United States. It was obvious when he was running for office…
Afghanistan and the end of the American hegemony
We used to sneer at the way the Russians were chased out of Afghanistan by a ragtag of mujaheddin armed…
Afghanistan: The error of withdrawal
Like many veterans, this last week has been one that has seen me struggle through anger, grief and rage. The…
Joe Biden’s shabby treatment of the Afghan army
Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable? The President: No, it is not. Q. Why? The President: Because you…
The real reason Biden was prepared to let Kabul fall
The speed of the Taliban’s advance, culminating in Sunday’s capture of Kabul, has been widely put forward as proof that…
Why Biden will not change tack on Afghanistan
Afghanistan will be a stain on the Biden presidency. His decision to continue with a US withdrawal from the country…
What was the point of the war in Afghanistan?
On 7 October 2001 President George W. Bush launched Operation Enduring Freedom – the invasion of Afghanistan. The operation sought…
Why Joe Biden’s Russia-bashing is a tactical mistake
You might not think that Geoff Norcott, the self-proclaimed conservative comedian, has something to contribute to western relations with Russia,…
Immigration is Joe Biden’s Achilles heel
Having indulged an unhealthy interest in human migration for decades, I’ve been intrigued by how the number of illegal immigrants…
George Bush's attack on Joe Biden's Afghan strategy is hard to take
The world doesn’t hear a lot from George W. Bush these days. The former president of the United States has…
A minimum corporation tax is nothing to celebrate
So is this what the new era of global co-operation looks like? The EU has agreed to delay the introduction…
Biden and Putin have left Britain out in the cold
It would probably be wrong to say that Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin got on like a house on fire.…
The new leviathan: the big state is back
Boris and Biden have placed their faith in the power of big government
The increasing cruelty of the North Korean regime
On a humid summer’s day in Singapore three years ago today, Donald Trump became the first incumbent US president to…
Boris, Biden and the orange elephant in the room
Biden and Boris will pretend the Trump presidency never happened
Biden proves that Trump was a true British ally
Now that Joe Biden has landed, many Brits may now be realising what a stalwart friend you had in Trump. Within minutes…
Will the G7 tax deal survive?
What are the chances of the G7’s agreement on a minimum rate of corporation tax actually coming into effect? While…
The true cost of make-believe money
I like Bill Maher. He’s a rare practising left-wing comic who’s actually funny. But last week, his routine on cryptocurrency…
Merkel is right to reject Biden's vaccine patent plan
She handed the vaccine procurement process over to the European Union. She didn’t invest much in new production. And she…
Europe should be wary of Biden's cuddly capitalism
Judging by the European press’ reaction to his address to Congress this week, US president Joe Biden’s domestic agenda is…