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Greeks just want to keep what they’ve got

11 July 2015 9:00 am

We were breakfasting outside on the morning of the Greek referendum. The result could only be guessed at and all…

I once tried to buy coke from the head of Manhattan detectives

23 May 2015 9:00 am

This is as good as it gets. A light rain is falling on a soft May evening and I’m walking…

The ‘no’ campaign’s problem was that it sounded like me

20 September 2014 9:00 am

Journalistically speaking, it’s been a good year to be Scottish and Jewish. Had I been a Welsh Zoroastrian, say, I…

They used to catch crooks - now they trawl Twitter. Are our police turning into spies?

26 October 2013 9:00 am

Crime is falling, but the police are as busy as ever – undermining our freedoms