Nicolas Sarkozy
How John Bercow saved me from Short Man Syndrome
I think my colleagues on the pro-Brexit side of the aisle have been a little unkind in their response to…
France’s new right
The result in France in the first round of the Les Républicains party’s primary elections marks the political death of…
The centre-right is failing worldwide, so what’s David Cameron’s secret?
There are times when Westminster’s obsession with US politics is embarrassing for even the strongest believer in the Anglo-American relationship.…
The consolations of old age
OK sports fans, what do Dame Vivien Duffield and Evelyn Waugh have in common? The answer is absolutely nothing, so…
François Hollande hasn’t seized the moment. Marine Le Pen might
Hollande isn’t seizing his chance. Marine Le Pen might
France’s divided centre-right must delight Marine Le Pen
The leaders of the Républicains avoid Le Pen’s coarse language, but many offer similar immigration policies
François Hollande could still win. And this is why
How France’s wobbly pudding of a president could still win again
Susan Hill’s French notebook: My struggle to avoid local cuisine
An overnight stop on the Ile de Ré taken between the St Malo ferry and the Quercy, where we always…
Portrait of the week
Home The government spent days announcing how the Autumn Statement would allocate funds. ‘Frontline’ parts of the National Health Service…
Is Nicolas Sarkozy headed back to the Elysée – or to jail?
Destiny is calling Nicolas Sarkozy. But it’s not clear whether he’s heading back to the Elysée – or to jail
Watch out France: Nicolas Sarkozy is back, and he wants revenge
The defeated president is ready to retake his party – and wreak his revenge on François Hollande