
In defence of Puccini

23 August 2014 9:00 am

During my opera-going lifetime the most sensational change in the repertoire has, of course, been the immense expansion of the…

Farewell, Speccie

19 July 2014 9:00 am

So we are all going to have to pay for fatties to have stomach bands and bypasses, are we? It…

The rich have given up their freedom

3 May 2014 9:00 am

The appointment of Sajid Javid as the new Secretary of State for Culture has been much criticised on the grounds…

Spectator letters: On wind turbines, Churchill's only exam success, and the red-trousered mayor of Bristol

19 April 2014 9:00 am

When the wind blows Sir: Clare Oxford’s piece (‘Gone with the wind turbines’, 12 April) is both timely and sad.…

Leipzig and Dresden are both staging Elektra. Which city wins?

25 January 2014 9:00 am

Yet more performances of Elektra, Richard Strauss’s setting of Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s ramped-up, neurosis-riddled 1903 reworking of Sophocles, are unlikely…

The ENO's Magic Flute ignores everything that makes Mozart's opera great

16 November 2013 9:00 am

A new production of The Magic Flute is something to look forward to, if with apprehension. How many aspects of…

If 'Greek' is playing within 200 miles of where you live — watch it

2 November 2013 9:00 am

This week chanced to give me a fascinating study in contrasts and comparisons: Mark-Anthony Turnage’s Greek at the Linbury Studio,…

Letters: On quitting Facebook, and putting down Nigel

28 September 2013 9:00 am

Why we joined Sir: I was astonished by the assertion made by Wyn Grant (Letters, 21 September) that ‘the postwar…

Happy 80th birthday, Dame Janet Baker

17 August 2013 9:00 am

Michael Kennedy salutes the mezzo-soprano Janet Baker,who celebrates her 80th birthday next week

Roger Scruton’s diary: Finding Scrutopia in the Czech Republic

10 August 2013 9:00 am

Hay-making was easy this year, and over in good time for a holiday. I am opposed to holidays, having worked…

When Glyndebourne is the most perfect place on earth

3 August 2013 9:00 am

Glyndebourne. There is no single quintessential example of English scenery, but this is one of the finest. The landscape is …

Letters: The Met Office answers Rupert Darwall, and a defence of Bolívar

20 July 2013 9:00 am

Wild weather Sir: Weather and climate science is not an emotional or political issue — even though emotions and politics run…

Give us our gold: the Rhinemaidens in ‘Das Rheingold’ at Longborough

Opera review: Longborough's tiny stage takes on the Ring - and wins

20 July 2013 9:00 am

There are no two ways about it: Wagner’s Ring cycle, the biggest challenge that any opera company can face, has…