Drama on the London Underground
The girl lay slumped against a wall in front of me and someone ran to push the emergency button. I…
Lefties don’t know anything about farming
The artists and hippies are re-wilding their land, which is to say doing nothing at all to it and watching…
A draining experience: Insignificance, by James Clammer, reviewed
Spare a thought for the white van man. It’s not yet nine on a summer’s morning and already Joseph, a…
Had the kitchen shop assistant been drugged and handcuffed?
The kitchen tap began dripping as if it knew perfectly well that this would land me in a predicament whereby…
Donald Trump has made showers great again
President Donald Trump is the best. I already thought he was great, but I became even more convinced of his…
The gloves are off with the Brothers Turnthetapoff upstairs
The gloves are off in my battle with the two brothers who live in the flat upstairs. They have just…
All I wanted was a washer for my tap and I ended up with a new bathroom
Diamonds are for ever. Plumbers take a lifetime. They never finish. No job is too big or small for them…
Victorian south London plumbing is pure evil
My upstairs neighbours are terribly nice, but too naive to be allowed to renovate their flat in peace. The two…
My Chinese water torture
Drip, drip, drip. The noise of my downstairs London conversion flat, where the plumbing was fitted by turn-of-the-century sadists who…