Qasem Soleimani
Will coronavirus lead to a US war with Iran?
In a roundabout way, coronavirus may have been responsible for the deaths of two American service personnel and a British…
An Al-Qaeda double agent explains what’s really going on in Middle East
When will the definitive history of the modern Middle East be written? For 20 years and more, a continent has…
Donald Trump, president of peace
This article is in The Spectator’s February 2020 US edition. Subscribe here. Groupthink is the last thing a country needs when debating…
You come at the Trump, you best not miss
The third presidential impeachment in US history has now reached the Senate. Like the first two, this one is almost…
Eliminating Qasem Soleimani was Donald Trump’s Middle East farewell letter
In July 55 BC, in the midst of his campaigns to civilize Gaul, Julius Caesar was troubled by the Germans.…
So much for de-escalation
‘We are not looking to start a war with Iran,’ said defense secretary Mark Esper today. ‘We are looking to…
The Democratic media hate Trump more than they love Iran — or America
If you need help talking with the children in your life about the aftermath of the ethical collapse of most…
Taking out Soleimani is like stepping on a landmine to cure a headache
Talleyrand once commented that Napoleon’s execution of the Duke of Enghien in 1804 was worse than a crime. It was…