Saddam Hussein
Can you tell a good guy from a bad guy in the Middle East?
Please excuse the tone of jubilation, but I have been dancing around my kitchen for the past couple of days,…
Ambitious, bold and confusing: BBC4’s Corridors of Power – Should America Police the World? reviewed
Narrated by Meryl Streep, Corridors of Power: Should America Police the World? announced the scale of its ambition straight away.…
Was I right about Iraq?
Back in March there was a glut of pieces about the 2003 Iraq war. The 20th anniversary seemed to much…
Written in blood or bound in human skin: the world’s weirdest books
Dennis Duncan enjoys some of the world’s most bizarre books
On Europe, Iraq and Syria why can’t our politicians just tell the truth?
It has been over a month since Parliament voted to bomb Isis in Syria, yet in that time there have…
As Kurdistan strives for a new life, its old traditions are dying
As Kurdistan reaches for independence, its traditions are dying
Justin Marozzi’s diary: Lunch with Saddam’s hangman, and a democratic revolution in Kensington
Lunch with the man who hanged Saddam. My irrepressible old Baghdad friend Mowaffak al-Rubaie, Ealing neurologist turned Iraqi national security…
Judith Miller, Scooter Libby, and the trouble with special prosecutors
Scooter Libby’s conviction looks ever shakier – and a sign of the deep problem with America’s special prosecutors
Dark Actors, by Robert Lewis - review
No book about Dr David Kelly could start anywhere other than at the end. Kelly is found, dead, in a…