The nerdy obsessive who became the world’s richest man
Seen by fellow pupils as an obnoxious loner, Bill Gates was a rebellious teenager, challenging his teachers and ‘at war’ with his parents
Jonathan Raban’s last hurrah
Aged 69, the travel writer had a stroke and spent his last 20 years as a hemiplegic – and writing this memoir of his father’s life intertwined with snapshots of his own
Pre-crime has arrived in China
The idea of ‘pre-crime’ was popularised by Philip K. Dick’s story ‘The Minority Report’ and the 2002 Steven Spielberg film…
Washington State is a worrisome window into the future
Seattle I have seen the future, and it looks much like Washington State. But let’s get there by steps. The…
Bad Kshama: meet Seattle’s worst socialist
Seattle In Max Frisch’s 1953 absurdist play The Fire Raisers, a well-off family in an unnamed town invites a man…
Pundits gaslight the American people on violent riots
Though Joe Biden has now accepted that violence is occurring in many major American cities and has started blaming Donald…
Does Seattle deserve better than Carmen Best?
Seattle So the revolution devours its children. On Tuesday, Seattle’s police chief Carmen Best announced her retirement just hours after…
Riots for thee, but not for me
A funny thing happened on the way to the riots. Left-wing revolutionaries discovered ‘NIMBY!’ — Not In My Backyard. The…
Do all black lives matter to BLM?
‘I understand black lives matter. But that’s not my movement, right now. My movement is to let them know that…
What’s it like in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone?
Seattle Ah, Seattle, that environmentally obsessed city where all is decorous, the sidewalks immaculately swept, the parks rigorously trimmed, proverbial…
How do you enforce anarchy?
I had an argument once, in a pub, with an anarchosyndicalist. We’d both been on the same protest march so…
Antifa’s American insurgency
We are witnessing glimmers of the full insurrection the far-left has been working toward for decades. The killing of George…
First novel choice: the American connection
At the beginning of this year I underwent a complete literary detox: an absolute, cold-turkey abstention from cutting-edge fiction of…
Portrait of the week
Home David Cameron, the Prime Minister, said that inheritance tax ‘shouldn’t be paid by people who’ve worked hard and saved…